Open House Events
Union Manufacturing Company Open House. 28th & 29th of August.
Free tickets available at:
Space is limited, Get your Tickets! today
Events Include:
Manufacturing Demonstration
Would you like to see an X0A being made from start to finish?
If you would like to sign up for that (whether we do that will depend on how many sign up) email to reserve a spot.
Win a Paul Hamler Prototype Tool
Win a limited edition Paul Hamler saw depth stop!
All tickets receive an entry for a raffle . The prize is a Paul Hamler prototype saw depth stop. Only tickets that check in on the day will be entered in the draw. You must be present when the draw is held to win. The draw will be held on Sunday the 29th at noon.
Try out an X-Plane
Ever wondered what makes the Union X-Plane so special? Find out for yourself, we will have a bench, wood and X-Planes for you to try out.
Factory Tour
Tour the Union Factory. See our new CNC in action. The Union tool collection. Maybe even see some of the as yet unannounced prototype tools Union have been working on.
Buy & Sell Vintage Tools
Tailgating spots are still available for sellers, Reserve your table or tailgating spot here! Buyers we already have several sellers confirmed. Come along and see if you can find a bargain!
Union Website Discounts
Discount codes for the Union website will be available on the day. Just ask any staff member! Discounts will apply to all in stock products. Who knows, if its in stock, maybe you can get something signed!
News & Announcements
Union will be making exciting announcements about our future plans. Be the first to learn what the future holds for Union!